Snore Quiz Results

Nasal Blockage Caused Snoring

Your snoring is likely caused by Nasal Blockages. 

Nasal blockage caused snoring is the most common type of snoring.
The good news... It can be easily fixed or reduced with a few techniques,
anti-snore products, and some trial and error.

About Your Snoring Type

Your snore quiz results indicate your snoring is likely due to nasal obstructions or inflammation.

There are two main reasons for this type of snoring:

  • Structural: caused by things like a septal deviation.
  • Inflammatory: Linked to things like allergies and environmental factors.

Nasal blockages can increase the negative pressure in your oral airway, too much pressure, and your soft palate collapses which results in loud... very loud snoring.

How To Stop or Reduce Your Snoring.

Fortunately, your type of snoring is the most common and has several DIY methods & scientifically proven products that work great (see recommended products below)!

For people who have allergies, a nasal steroid can help but is a temporary solution.  A great long term, FDA Approved nonsurgical solution to stop snoring is the VitalSleep.

If you have pets or suffer from any allergies, you should get a great air purifier!  Removing the allergens from your air will help decrease the swelling and reduce your snoring.  It's also great for your overall health.  

Snoresy Approved Products

Here is the top FDA Approved product that's PROVEN to Stop Snoring!



The Best Natural, Non-Surgical way to fix Your Nasal Blockage Caused Snoring.


About Snoresy

About two years ago my snoring almost ruined my marriage.  It was bad... My husband had hit a wall and was no longer able to deal with it.  He started saying things like "I don't want to have to sleep in another room just to get the proper sleep".  His health was deteriorating, he developed insomnia, and worst of all, try as he might, it was impossible for the resentment not to build in him.

Fast forward to today and my snoring is gone!  Well not completely gone, sometimes when I drink alcohol or take sleeping meds I'll snore but otherwise, things are great!  We are sleeping in the same room and our relationship is back to full strength.

This ordeal was terrible if only I had a better resource at the time.  That's why I created SNORESY (my nickname back then "Lil miss snoresy") to help everyone else in this same situation so that you never have to go through what I did.

Driven by One Purpose!

To eat yummy foods, laugh, and help YOU stop snoring too! 

Take the quiz, and signup for the newsletter so I can help you stop snoring & get a good night's sleep also!