A great night's sleep awaits.

Ready To Stop Snoring?


Snore Diagnosis


DiY Methods


Approved Products


Tips & Advice

Hi! I'm Jenny (AKA lil miss Snoresy)

4 years ago my snoring almost ruined my marriage.  It was bad... My husband had hit a wall (and for good reason), we started sleeping in different rooms, and over time he developed severe insomnia.  Worst of all, try as he might, it was impossible for the resentment not to build in him.  The worst part... I was able to sleep just fine, but I'd wake up seeing him on the couch with a pillow over his head and bags under his eyes just trying to get any sleep he could.   

You see... I'm a SNORER, and not just any snorer I'm a VERY LOUD SNORER.

Until one day we met an ER doctor who told us he had the same issues (except he was the snore monster not his wife).  He told us about a few techniques to strengthen my nasal airways and recommended I try a few products.  Most of all he reassured us all was not lost. 

Fast forward to today and my snoring is pretty much gone!  Sometimes if I've had a few too many drinks I'll lightly snore but otherwise, things are great!  Guess What?  Your Snoring Can Be Fixed Too! 

I created SNORESY (my nickname back then was lil miss snoresy) to help YOU avoid getting into the same situation.

Take the snore quiz, follow the instructions, and stick with it!  Just remember, everyone is different, so you may have to try a few things to find what works for YOU. 

The good news... YOUR SNORING CAN BE FIXED!  You just have to take the first step.  


30 Day FREE Stop Snoring Guide!

Sign up to get the same advice I used
to Stop Snoring for Good!

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Snoresy Approved

Follow the instructions, stick with it, and you will find relief from your snoring. Look for the snoresy approved badge for the best anti-snore products. 


Driven by One Purpose!

To eat yummy foods, laugh, and help YOU stop snoring too! 

Take the quiz, and signup for the newsletter so I can help you stop snoring & get a good night's sleep also!