There are plenty of probable causes when it comes to snoring. We know that being overweight can cause snoring, as well as different cardiovascular diseases, and even the position you sleep in.
The question being asked here is whether or not allergies can be the cause of snoring. The short answer is, yes, they can. So let me get into how allergies can cause snoring, and the best practices to rid your bedroom of allergens.
If you aren’t sure why you OR your partner snore, start with the free snore diagnosis quiz here.
What Causes Snoring?
Before getting into the ways in which allergies can affect your sleep and cause snoring, we need to look at what exactly causes people to snore.
Congestion in the nose or throat is the main cause of snoring. If you have a nasal or oral allergy, then the chances of snoring are quite high. When the nose is congested, it blocks airwaves from getting through. This forces the soft palate and uvula to vibrate, causing people to snore.
The same can be said about oral allergies. If you eat food that may cause an allergic reaction before bed, it can cause swelling of the throat.
The effect is similar to that of nasal allergies.
Once airflow is partially blocked, it will cause snoring.
How To Prevent Allergy Snoring
Preventing snoring due to allergies is fairly simple. You need to take a good look around your bedroom and see what could be causing the snoring.
If you have pets that you’re allergic too, then try putting them in another room to sleep. After moving the pets, clean the sheets, curtains, and anything else in the room that could contain fur.
After you wash the sheets, keep a consistent washing schedule. Make sure that your sheets are always clean.
Walk around your bedroom. Anything that could even have a slight chance of being an allergen should be moved. Create an allergen-free bedroom.
Another suggestion is a dehumidifier. Sometimes your snoring isn’t necessarily due to an allergen, or variety of them. Sometimes it could just be the dry air in your room. Dry air creates similar blocks in your nasal and oral passages that allergens do.
To see if these methods are successful, you can track your sleep. Goodsomnia Lab will record your sleep, and provide a report that your doctor can use.
A study has shown that people who suffer from rhinitis symptoms were more likely to be snorers. They were also more likely to experience non-restorative sleeping and daytime fatigue
If this is you, get rid of your bedroom allergens, track your sleep, and get the issue solved.
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